Langdon Academy

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Code of Conduct


There are four main rules which we expect all students to observe and memorise:

• Follow all instructions given by staff first time.

• Keep hands, feet, objects and inappropriate comments to yourself.

• Do all class work and homework, allow others to do theirs, and meet all deadlines.

• Be on time for class, be properly dressed and always have the right work and equipment with you.



In the primary phase there are 5 Golden Rules:

  1. We listen – we don’t interrupt.

  2. We work hard – we don’t waste our own or other’s time.

  3. We look after property – we don’t waste or damage things.

  4. We are gentle – we don’t hurt others.

  5. We are kind and helpful – we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings.

    Primary Code of Conduct



Our rules apply to all students not only when they are on the premises but also on their way to and from school. When our students are outside school they are ambassadors for Langdon Academy. Therefore, we will take action against any student who behaves in a way that brings the Academy into disrepute, irrespective of where and when such misbehaviour occurs.

  1. Secondary students must be lined up in the designated area in the playground at 8:40am every morning. Primary gates open at 8.40am and all primary students must be in class by 9.00am.

2. Students must wear full school uniform not only in school but on their journey to and from school each day.

3. Jewellery is limited to one pair of plain, small silver/gold stud earrings, no diamamte.  No nose, lip or facial piercings are allowed. A wristwatch is permitted. Necklaces and bracelets must not be worn.

4. False eyelashes and false nails are not permitted.  Nail varnish must also not be worn. Excessively long natural nails are also not permitted for health and safety reasons. Students will be sent home to remove acrylic nails or other extensions.

5. Makeup is not permitted. 

6. Hair should not be dyed or coloured and should be neat and business-like. No patterns should be shaved into the hair or eyebrows. Outlandish hairstyles that cause a distraction to others are not allowed.  Black hair bands only are allowed. Fancy slides, clips or hair decorations are not allowed.  Coloured hair extensions are not permitted.  Students will be sent home to remove any coloured extensions or dyes. 

7. Students are advised not to bring any personal electronic items such as mobile phones headphones and MP3 players into school. Whilst some may have reason to do so their use is forbidden on the school site and equipment must remain switched off. Any such items which are seen or heard by staff will be confiscated.

8. Chewing gum is not permitted anywhere on the Academy site.

9. All students must carry a plain black school bag large enough to carry A4 folders and books and must bring the correct equipment, kit and books for all lessons. In primary pupils should have a Langdon book bag or similar.

10. All students must carry their school planner at all times and must use it to enter all homework and coursework assignments. Planners must be signed weekly by parents to indicate that they are aware of homework being set and completed.

11. Students are required to complete all class work and homework and must do so in a manner that does not disrupt the learning of others.

12. Students should not leave the class during lessons without written permission from a member of staff in their student diary or with a permission to leave the class slip.

13. Students must not leave the Academy site during the day without written permission from a senior member of staff and without signing out at the Academy office.

14. Students should move around the Academy quietly and purposefully, showing courtesy to others. Students should keep to the left side on corridors and stairways for the purposes of health and safety.

15. When queuing for lessons, assembly, lunch or any other reason students must do so in an orderly manner and must show respect and courtesy to all catering and other staff members.

16. No food or drink is to be consumed anywhere other than in Global Dining and designated areas of the playgrounds. Students are not allowed to take hot or open food and drink out of Global Dining.

17. Students should respect their school site and facilities at all times. It is not permissible to drop litter anywhere on the site; nor to graffiti or otherwise damage Academy property.

18. Active games should only be played in the designated areas of the playgrounds.

19. Students are expected to go home promptly from the Academy each day and must have left the vicinity of the Academy and local shops by 3.45 pm unless involved in organised, after-school activity. Students must not loiter on street corners or drop litter on the streets.