Parental Engagement and Volunteers
At Langdon Academy, in the primary phase, we welcome parents and guardians into our school on a regular basis. This spans a wide range of activities from coffee mornings, to learning alongside the children and volunteering in class. Other events and volunteering opportunities include:
- Coffee mornings, including some with special guests and foci e.g. speech and language and conflict resolution
- Phonics Champions and Reading Volunteers run by trained parent volunteers
- Parent workshops in a range of subjects including grammar, phonics and maths
- Supporting enrichment activities fairs, winter festivals, red nose day, global fair, winter raffle, children in need etc..
- Trip volunteering
- Menu/school dinner tasting
- Second hand uniform shop
All volunteers have a rigorous induction programme which includes safeguarding and child protection training.
If you would like to find out more information please contact the school office.