Langdon Academy

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Register of Interests (Local Governing Body)

Name Nature of Interest Date Appointed By Whom
Janice Boakye (Chair) None 12/01/2017 Directors
Antony Twyman (Vice Chair) None 01/04/2022 Directors
Samantha St Louis (Parent) None 13/06/2019 Elected
Shahdina Scott (Parent) None 13/06/22 Elected
Ahsan Mazar (Parent) None 13/06/22 Elected
Jamie Brooks (Principal) None 01/09/2018 Ex-Officio
Stuart Roberts (Trust appointed) None 12/01/2017 Directors
James Henderson (Co-opted) None 23/11/2017 Directors
Kate Murray (Staff) None  21/04/2022 Elected
Saira Makardam (Staff) None 07/06/2022 Elected